Got my rear bearings replaced on Saturday, all sorted and no more noise.
Also added the anti squeak shims to the brake pads.
Fitted new alternator, much harder than I anticipated. New one hasn't got a threaded hole for the bolt near the tensioner, so had to rummage to find one!
Took it out for a spin, forgot about pushing the brake pistons back slightly, gave myself a brown trousers moment!
Took it for a longer spin yesterday, 115km/71miles total journey, taking a small car ferry on part of the route.
Anti squeek was like a bird tweeting most of the trip, must be a slight warp in the disc.
Temp gauge up at H at one point, a long climb uphill, most of the time it sat half way between N and H.
Its annoying because its taking some of the fun out of driving it, no cooland loss, no mayo under filler cap, no bubbling when cap is off radiatior.
Everything on the cooling side is new - apart from top and bottom hoses and thermostat (74c), it think I'll flush it all out again at the weekend.