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I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:54 am
by StanO'Toole
I just got my insurance today (ended up with Axa in the end and paid 3,200 thrid party) so my bank account is now empty :roll: But it will be worth it! I also recieved my licence today! Came home and walked in the door from the freezing cold weather and found this,


I thought it was preety dam good! Now all I need is Stud back but at least I'm one step closer!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:13 am
by kona
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Is the e3,200 TPFT ???? holy frog!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Good luck with the motoring! The first year is brown pants time, yiou cant afford to crash or even bump into something!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:24 am
holy sh#t stan thats alot :shock:
you'd buy another mini for that amount

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:00 am
by just_st3v3n
that price is way ott...
nonetheless, happy motoring ! 8)


Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:06 pm
by mustard
haha... btw your hair is on fire!!!! :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

congrats anyway, btw mine was 3500 wit quinn when i was a young gosan....

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:37 pm
by neasha
Good news. Price is crazy..


Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:40 pm
by StanO'Toole
Sound lads, price is mental! It's more then the car but it wll be worth it!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:43 pm
by miniroar
Ooouch! yeah I paid that when I started get your full licience quick!!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:49 pm
OUCH! and there was me bitching about €375 on a classic policy :shock:

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:00 pm
by Deadly Dave
Happy driving Stan 8)

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:42 pm
by joebe1
o my god 3200 :shock: :shock: :shock: , stan u should have bought a starlet or a 106 ball of sh*t insured it and changed it over when ever u wanted, thats what i did when i was startin out, cost 1200 4 years ago

Best of luck with it though, great feelin when u can jump into the car whenever u want, keep it on the black stuff :D

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:15 pm
by markcaffo
stan i paid 5000 for my first car best of luck with your first years driven try keep it between the ditches :shock:

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:06 pm
by macker
StanO'Toole wrote:I'm Legal!
god help us all! :P :lol:

best of luck dude,

Keep it between the ditches and try to take it easy for a while at least :wink:

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:00 am
by ducky
god im paying 200 sounds good now but im an oldy :lol:
best of luck stan, happy motoring, it will drop in time....when u hit about 50 im gessing....
Good luck

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:33 am
by Kenneth Murphy
i'm payin 1000 wit a full licence and 3 years no claims and i'm 23 on type m, and he 1 litre!!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:38 am
Get stud back yet stan?

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:41 am
by StanO'Toole
Stud is back Paul so if you want seat tommorrow its there. He seems to be running fine, I'v had no trouble with him yet anyway. Iwould just like to say thanks to Bert again for the amount of work he put in to get Stud ready for Chritmas!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:38 am
So you haven't broke it yet?

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:42 am
by StanO'Toole
Not yet but now that I have money for a full tank just give me a few hours. :lol:

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:52 am
by just_st3v3n
thats a nice xmas pressie for ya :)

the stephens day run is canceled by the way lads... due to snowy conditions...


Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:49 pm
by StanO'Toole
So I heard. I was really looking forward to it to but sure I always have the run on the 27th!

Re: I'm legal!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:37 pm
by mobyob
ouch : mine is 300 euro for a 2000 mini seven ,get old quick mate , happy xmas to all .