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MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:00 am
by kerryminigringo
As the date was announced on the IMOC forum a while back you will be aware that this years MTM is being held on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th of May.

MTM 2015 will differ from the last couple of years as we will be starting in the South and the event will run up to the North this year.This years event will again be run as a reliability run so only classic Minis and derivatives will be allowed on the run. As with every MTM there will be a few changes so this year we are returning to the Viaduct Inn in Cork for the drivers sign in and briefing on Friday afternoon. The sign in will be from 12.00 to 1.30pm and a quick drivers briefing before the first cars head for Mizen Head and then onto our Friday night stop over. We will be staying in Killarney for the first time ever on an MTM and we hope you will enjoy staying in this fabulous town on the Ring of Kerry. Saturday morning will see the convoy up bright and early for a route that will take us on some brilliant West of Ireland roads and on up to Malin Head with a short journey back to our Saturday night stop over.We hope that the new route and other changes will add up to another memorable MTM with lines of Minis shaking their way down through new roads and big smiles and waves as we head Northwards.

Entry forms are available by clicking on the MTM 2015 link on this page
An entry form will be posted to all members with this years AGM notification in the coming days.

We have secured a hotel right in the centre of Killarney and one reasonably close to the finish of the event at very reasonable rates but there is limited availability in both hotels so to ensure you are staying with the main MTM party please send in your entry as soon as possible.

Once entry forms & fees are returned to me then accommodation options, costs, booking procedures etc. will be dispatched to you.
The discounted accommodation will be on a first come, first served basis so please book your entry early to avoid disappointment.

Following on from last years success when we raised over €3200 and over €20,000 in the last 4 years for Temple Street children's hospital we will again be raising much needed funds for this very worthy cause and with the National Childrens Hospital still years away Temple Street still needs help so if every entrant raised a small amount,added together it will again again make a sizeable donation to Temple Street. On the entry form is a tick box if you wish to receive a sponsorship card and we would ask entrants to consider this great cause which benefits many little people who are less fortunate than ourselves.

REMEMBER - IMOC Members are entitled to the special club rate entry fee for MTM2015.
To become a member of the IMOC it's very simple......
Click on this link and follow the membership link for details.

Why not join up now and be eligible for the discounted MTM2015 entry fee and help keep the club running that brings you MTM.
Looking forward to seeing you in Donegal in May.

Aidan Mc Grath

MTM 2015 Event Secretary

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:26 am
by purplehaze
Can I post my membership with my mtm form? Just put 1 postal order for 70€ or 2 of them one 20€ and one 50€? Please let me no ASAP as I need to no hotels so I can book now

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:15 pm
The lead up M T M has started .
I understand the Southern part of the rout is on paper and has been checked :P :P :P
The Northern section is on paper ( hope to get a run through shortly ) .
Looking forward to the new layout .

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:22 pm
by kerryminigringo
Joe was up in Malin Head this afternoon so the Southern and Northern sections are now down on paper.I was away in Kerry for a few days and when I got back I could hardly push the door in with the entries inside the door :D All those that have posted entries to me will have their event details and accommodation lists this week.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:36 pm
by KevCork
Would it be ok to catch up on Friday evening and join the group then for Saturday and Sunday? I have to work on that Friday!

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:43 pm
by kerryminigringo
I'll be at the run on Sunday if anyone wants to bring along entry forms for MTM 2015.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:37 am
by kerryminigringo
The pre-booked rooms in the hotels are filling up so get those entries in if you want to stay with the main group.The is plenty of alternative accommodation in both towns as well.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:55 am
by kerryminigringo
31 entries in so far so keep those forms coming folks,it promises to be a good one.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:50 am
by pump101
Is there still hotel availability? Will get entry in post tomorrow.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:53 pm
by kerryminigringo
Not many left at this stage Ian so get that entry in the post. :)

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:38 pm
by pump101
Meant to do it Monday Aidan... forgot all about it. Il do it tonight for sure. Cant wait now.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:03 pm
by kerryminigringo
We are extending the closing date for another 2 weeks until the 14th of April to facilitate late entries for MTM 2015.If you want to be part of another great MTM get those entries in because after that we cannot guarantee you will get an entry pack and finishers award as we have to order them in.

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:10 pm
Laurna and Myself went for a little spin over the weekend .
Double checking the second half of the M T M route .
Left the house at 6.30 arrived home 23.00 and 600 miles later .
A few adjustments to route book and then ready for print .
So get your entries in ( we need to know how many copies to print ) .

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:22 pm
Myself and Billy doubled checked the southern half of the MTM route today.
So just a few small adjustments and should be ready for printers as well.
Looking good for another fabulous MTM adventure ...
Few days left for last entries .. Get them in ...
Don't miss out on a chance to see and drive some of Ireland's greatest driving roads...

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:41 pm
by purplehaze
Can't wait :) how many is there so far?

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 11:47 pm
by MrsLiamo
Just spotting this now, hope to be a mini owner ASAP. would have been great to attend... next

Re: MTM 2015 Lets get motoring

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 2:57 pm
by joeyfinneran
Just like to say thanks to all involved in this years mtm it was a great even as always. not the biggest fan of the two day event but its nice to change things up a bit too