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RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:52 pm
by kerryminigringo
As the RSA is considering the mandatory testing of vintage vehicles,it would be in all our interest to read their document and have our say in what would impact on our Minis as they get older. ... cument.pdf

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:58 pm
by joeyfinneran
Realy hope this doesnt go ahead!
As it will kill alot of cars.
Its just somthing else to get money of people :?

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:53 am
by CB_Phil
yet again the RSA trying to destroy what little freedom we have (they are trying to bring in similar for bikes). I think, as with bikes, a demo (all classics, as its not just Mini's involved) & if someone thats good @ such letter writing drafted up a copy & everyone sends a copy off to our dear friends @ the RSA
I am also surprised that the wider community of vintage & classic cars in Ireland has not set up an organisation such as MAG (motorcycle action group)

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:23 am
by spud1979
I'm sorry but where do they expect to test these vehicles. At current the nct centres can't mamage. I booked my mini in yesterday and the closest date I could get was January next year. If they do bring these tests in it should be done on mileage and not yearly. It's not very often you see a vintage car in poor condition on the road. They are the pride and joy of owners.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:02 pm
by Billy
But it would help get rid of the current craze for pre-1980 logbooks. And secondly, if your car is roadworthy in terms of tyres, lights, suspension, brakes, etc, what have you to worry about? If anything, having your Mini NCTed adds value to it when you're selling. And don't forget there are plenty of people who can't change a spark plug, let alone know if their ball joints need replacing. My 60-year-old wedding car had to be NCTed every 12 months. It didn't always pass first time but once it did, I knew that I had fixed problems that could have left me at the side of the road, or in the ditch.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:25 pm
by keith
keith wrote:NCT will only add to safety, but is *NO* substitute to good servicing and maintenance of your mini. NCT is dangerous if you rely on it entirely for the safety of your car. As some have posted, its testing can be hit and miss and some of the "fail" triggers are bizzare: fail *if the county name is not spelled correctly on the licence plate* if memory serves. - equally so a car that passes is not really much safer than one that doesn't. without wishing to hijack this thread, imho it would be far better to have random testing at a week's notice to encourage "safe" cars all year round rather than once a year at NCT time. /rant
that was back in 2011 - ... 208#p57208 - i've no reason to view it differently - in the last 3 years I've had a spurious "fails" for faulty, cracked brake pipes (they weren't - gave them a wipe with an oily rag and they passed), fail for wrong font on the county name and a side repeater what wasn't yellow enough.

On the positive side, on reading the report, its shown me i will need shocks soon and the emissions continue to be excellent. 8)

Safety has no compromise; While I think NCT has increased safety, it has also lulled some motorists into not bothering to carry out routine inspection/mtce. We still see cars with dangerous tyres, faulty lights, smokey exhausts, etc.

Here are the options the RSA are looking at –
  • Exempt Vehicles Used for Social and Domestic Purposes which were First Registered Prior to 1st January 1960 from Compulsory Roadworthiness Testing
    Exempt Vehicles Used for Social and Domestic Purposes which were First Registered Prior to 1st January 1980 from Compulsory Roadworthiness Testing
    Exempt Vehicles Used for Social and Domestic Purposes which are 40 years old or more from Compulsory Roadworthiness Testing
    Exempt Vehicles Used for Social and Domestic Purposes which are 30 years old or more from Compulsory Roadworthiness Testing
(source: ... artesting/

I'm in favor of the 4th option - 30 year testing

IMOC should form an opinion, contact other Vintage/Veteran/Car clubs and put a well crafted response to the RSA

see also this: ... cument.pdf
and ... e_Form.doc

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:28 pm
by kerryminigringo
I would have nothing to fear about sending any of my cars for a test if it was a test that was applicable to older cars but having had a car damaged to the tune of €250 by the NCTS I would be very slow in letting them near any of my older cars.The plain fact is that NCTS is a private company which has to make a profit to stay in business and that means it will fail on a 50/50 calls and when are they going to test these extra cars as the backlog with them is months already.What are the statistics with accidents caused by classic cars which defects when everyday cars the percentage is minute.Most accidents are caused by speeds and reckless driving,behaviour not associated with classic car ownership.This testing is another burden on classic car owners as the government closes a loophole whereby someone might avail of cheap tax and NCT exempt status to reduce the cost of their motoring.I would be in favour of the 30 year rolling option myself.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:20 pm
by woody
This thing IS going ahead one one form or another and if you read the whole document some options are actually an improvment on the current system.
Option 4 only to exempt cars over 30 years old is better than the pre 1980 exemption we have now.
The option to volinteerly test an exempt car could be handy for safety standards when buying or selling a car.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:10 pm
by zakgt
I think the statistics on the number of accidents involving NCT excempt cars is key peice of missing data here, why go through all the trouble, if it is not a problem in the first place. Personally I know my driving style is different when driving my 1962 Mini compared to driving my 1998.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:59 pm
by antodeco
Zak, I agree totally. I leave so much more room between myself and the car in front when driving my GT than any other car. I think owners of classic cars drive their cars for enjoyment and typically drive more safer than in a modern day equivalent.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:15 pm
by Kenneth Murphy
Nct is ******, pack of jumped up nobody's, we sent a car recently that we knew was in bits, things loose, broken, and it came back with a cert, I sent my gsi rep corsa b years ago and they ripped the skirts off pulling the rivets outta the body, then failed me, I've never NCTd a car nor will I, respective of the age,

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:49 pm
by shay
some very good replys on this issue lets have a freedom of information on the amount of crashes involving classic cars just another form of taxation like they tried with the fishing rod licence i spent 5 years as an accident investor in dublin and i did not come across one sine case of a mechanical fault being the primary cause of the accident

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:50 pm
by Billy
From the Charleville Vintage Club's facebook page:

"There is an information meeting for all clubs in the Munster region regarding the proposed change of legislation for the testing of all pre 1980 cars & trucks on Wednesday the 22nd of October at 8pm sharp in the Charleville Park Hotel. All vintage enthusiasts please attend for more details contact Ml on 0872769476 or Ed on 086 2578807."

I'll be attending the meeting tonight.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:23 pm
by coolmini
There is nothing wrong with cars being tested provided they have the resources to deal with it and a clear set of rules for modifications and their tests eg braking mods like disk to drums

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:09 am
by Billy
There's a similar meeting in Mayo tonight and one in Dublin next week. About 300 vintage enthusiasts turned up last night to hear how submissions should be made to the RSA. It's important the the IMOC should be represented.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:07 am
by keith
where/when is the dublin meeting? cant see it in the usual websites
*want to go*

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:46 pm
by shay
spawell next thursday i think 8pm give them a buz to confirm

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:50 pm
by Billy
Mayo meeting tonight in the Dalton Inn, Claremorris @8pm. It's important that there is a club presence there.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:16 pm
by coolmini
Who else is going to the Claremorris one

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:06 pm
by Darran
The Dublin meeting is on Thursday 30th Spawell leisure centre Templeogue Dublin 8pm

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:12 pm
I went to Claremorris Another full house in Mayo last night .
A change is going to come Whether we like it or not . Testing of of Cars is here to stay. By uniting together We ( vintage owners ) can voice our opinion on what range of cars will be tested . the preferred option of 4 seems to be the 30 year rolling option ( ie if its over 30 years old its exempt same as 30year cheap tax ) . Every vintage owner needs to complete the submission form but as a club we need to be seeking the same thing .

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:18 pm
by Billy
How did the meeting go last night?

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:50 pm
by keith
By the tome i got to spawell at 21:30, it was just over. Seemed like a good turnout. Only saw one other mini there, a 00 in black.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:27 pm
by BlackSe7en
Myself, Milton, Paul and Julie Maloney, Shay , Jason + 1 attended the Spawell meeting on Thursday evening.
THe meeting was really about putting forward ideas on how every Club and every Club member should answer the 10 questions. They want everyone to have their replies in by November 14th 2014. They suggested that you should try and get anyone you know who is involved with the Classic/Vintage scene , either through Ownership or repairs/ maintainence should also submit replies.
They are tryintg to get the 30 year exception to be a Rolling 30 years and apply to Trucks, Tractors and Bikes as well.

Re: RSA consultation period on testing vintage vehicles

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:55 pm
by Billy
If you haven't already done so, this Friday is the closing date for submissions to the RSA so it's time to get the finger out. If you can't figure out how to fill out the 10 questions, post here and someone will be able to help you out.