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Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:39 pm
by BlackSe7en
I've always arrived and driven through the entrance of an IMM in a Mini.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:46 am
by DetVarSoerens
Soren, the IMM Program page doesn't seem to be working. Will there be any entertainment on Sunday night at the IMM site or should we plan to visit the Absoulte Ice bar in Copenhagen?[/quote]

Unfinished program

There is no entertainment Sunday night, so you can go to the ice bar or what you like in cph (I'm not sure the ice bar is open on a Sunday), but maybe it will be a good idea to find a camp close to that, as you can not stay at the IMM camp after 10:00 o'clock Monday


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:15 pm
by DaveC
I suspect there could be one club last out :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:33 pm
by twinjocks
So - who's going anyway? Miniresource-type list anyone?

1. Julie, Paul, Daisy & Jed - flying via holiday in Sweden (oh the shame)

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:44 am
by The Marcos Graveyard
So - who's going anyway? Miniresource-type list anyone?

1. Julie, Paul, Daisy & Jed - flying via holiday in Sweden (oh the shame)
2. Neil, Mags, Neil & John - driving via GB, F, B, NL, D, DK, S, NOR, SCO, NI

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:32 am
by BlackSe7en
So - who's going anyway? Miniresource-type list anyone?

1. Julie, Paul, Daisy & Jed - flying via holiday in Sweden (oh the shame)
2. Neil, Mags, Neil & John - driving via GB, F, B, NL, D, DK, S, NOR, SCO, NI
3. Killian, Helen and Marie - flying via Copenhagen (Where's the shame)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:57 pm
by BlackSe7en
Attn Twinjocks:
TMG and myself have decided that its your turn to design the Tee Shirts this year. I'm away for the next three weeks and he's heading off soon as well.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:14 am
by The Marcos Graveyard
Yes Julie, something in batik or hand embroidery, with a comical yet relevant caricature of the group as a whole, don't forget to include all the routes that we will be taking, and perhaps something in a bright yellow, that always stands out.

I'll take a 4XL, L for the missus, a 7-8years and a 5-6 years.

Also while you are at that, Paul can be working on the Club Pressie that we will give to the hosts on the Sat. night.


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:48 am
by FlyingFinn
If anyone is heading to IMM with a Bini and is taking the ferry to France then I have a tip for you.. There is a exclusive new Mini store at Antwerpen city center that is located just as a ordinary clothes store on the heart of the city and sells new Minis only. No other BMWs on site and they told me that its the only one of its kind in Europe. Think about the difference that it made to my day when I was going around shopping with the missus..

Ill put some pictures on after I get around to it!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:03 pm
by twinjocks
TMG and BlackSeven, I don't remember voting on this. Anyway, it was always too easy for you to do T-shirts for other IMMs, there are so many stereotypes of Scots, Italians, Swiss, Germans, English, Swedes and Finns to get the inspiration going. Tell me ONE thing about Denmark and the Danes .... actually, I'm getting an idea now - to hell with these Mini-themed T-shirts - how about TMG's head on the Little Mermaid's body??

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:54 pm
by Billy
None of that smut if you don't mind.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:18 pm
by The Marcos Graveyard
I don't know Julie,it sounds a bit fishy to me.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:00 pm
by BlackSe7en
So TwinJocks of the two kids, where do you think LEGO came from?
Anyway , I'll take three Mediums, but I can't be of much more help . cos I'm off to Tenerife for three weeks from Friday morning, although I might get the pressie done a few days before Denmark. TMG , I'll need a brass plaque made up.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:39 pm
by The Marcos Graveyard
[quote="BlackSe7en"]I might get the pressie done a few days before Denmark. [/quote]

Nothing changes. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:15 pm
by The Marcos Graveyard

We have a member who wishes to pay for an IMM ticket, but the Paypal option is not working will it be fixed soon, or will there still be time to do a bank transfer next week ?


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:08 am
by twinjocks
Who's the person, Neil - and do they need a T-shirt?!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:06 am
by DetVarSoerens
[quote="The Marcos Graveyard"]Søren,

We have a member who wishes to pay for an IMM ticket, but the Paypal option is not working will it be fixed soon, or will there still be time to do a bank transfer next week ?


because of our problems with paypal, we have made it possible to pay by bank transfer until the 12th of July
so Thursday is the last chance, if he pays after that date or just show up and pay at the door there will be no T-shirt and no food, cus we have to preorder that now...


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:28 pm
by BlackSe7en
Any update on the weather over there? The pictures of the Roskilde Rock Festival make it look like a Mud-bath, has the site dried out yet? Will I have to bring the Rubber boots for the usual IMM weather?

See you on Friday. (Neil has reached Denmark already).

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:58 pm
by DetVarSoerens
Any update on the weather over there? The pictures of the Roskilde Rock Festival make it look like a Mud-bath, has the site dried out yet? Will I have to bring the Rubber boots for the usual IMM weather?

See you on Friday. (Neil has reached Denmark already).[/quote]

Yes it has been shitty weather here in Denmark, but the IMM area is not as bed as the media shows I took these pictures one week ago and it looked okay, so we expect it to be good by now, and hope for sunny weather and no more rain !!!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:09 am
by twinjocks
Well, everyone. Back last night from Denmark - had a great holiday. We went to Sweden first for nearly a week and stayed with some of IMOC's old friends from Mini 7 Club Sweden and then down to Roskilde. Strange site - very agricultural. We camped between a load of cattle sheds! Very handy for sheltering from the rain. Very Irish weather - you'd wake up in the morning to the sun shining and half a hour later it would rain - then dry again! But the important thing - it wasn't a mudbath and no-one got trenchfoot! A great time was had by all - will post pictures when we get them organised. Roll on Holland next year and Birmingham the year after.

Julie, Paul, Daisy & Jed. (or Yulie, Paul, Daisy & Yed as the Swedes would say!)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:06 pm
by BlackSe7en
Thanks for a great weekend. I know that there were a few problems raised at the Saturday's President's meeting, but I do not think that they were all your fault. We had a great time and met a lot of old friends again.
Beer was nice, no hangovers.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:27 am
by DetVarSoerens
Thank you very much for the kind words, it worms my heart to here, and I’m very happy that you had a great time.

And I am looking much forward to meet you all again at the IMM2008 in the Netherlands, and then just enjoy the IMM without a lot of work :-)

See you in Holland next year
Kind regards

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:23 pm
by The Marcos Graveyard
Just a quick hello as I have access to the interweb for a while.

I have to agree with Julie and Killian, the weekend, though short, was a good one. Highlight for me was the Friday night fun at the Irish section, and the low point had to be the humilliating defeat at the International Kubb Challange where we let a 2-0 lead slip and lost 3-2 to a Swedish side that really showed their experiance when the chips were down. (Time will have to be spent on the practice field if we are to reverse this result next year in Holand).

Dave C, unusually we were not the last to leave this year, there were still a few Polish Minis on site as we were going. Afterwards Copenhagen was full of Minis, we even came accross the Russian Mini that had travelled all the way from Moscow.

Glad to hear the Irish contingent has returned home safely, we are spending some time in Sjunthorp with Marika and Thomas. Planning on going to a Swedish Hillclimb event tomorrow, then Sunday Micke, Eva and Torkel are heading back to the east coast and we are going north to Oslo.

The Cooper is going very well, the slower speeds on the Danish and Swedish road system have meant that fuel consumption is around 45 mpg compared to 32 mpg on the faster French/Belgian/Dutch/German motorways.

Glad to report that the weather has improved, so much so that the ladies are topping up their tans on the decking as I type, (Photos available for those interested)

Hope to be at the Camping weekend in Aherlow at the end of the month, see you all there.

Neil & Co.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:23 pm
by twinjocks
Oh forgot to mention, Soren, dinner was delicious on Saturday night. Hog-roast, yummmmmmmmmm. And lots of nice healthy veg and salad stuff too - that is a difference from usual IMMs - and should definitely be in the rules for the future!!!

Thanks again.


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:08 pm
by BlackSe7en
Just to report that Twinjocks did a good job on the Club's IMM t-Shirts. Soren, we forgot to give you one with the present, sorry. As IMOC Kubb Team Captain, I had to swap mine with with the Swedish Team's Captain after they defeated us at the "Battle of Clontarf" replay.