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Re: Elmo

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:13 pm
by mini_sprite94
oh thanks Scoobasteve7, used to be a Arch. Tech. then the babies and market crash came. now I use my years in 3rd level to mini design and make train model for my son! (happier too) do you up a sketch of seats if you ever needed them, but better then that one it was a rush job.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:04 pm
by mini_sprite94
well Fran has started!








getting excited now!

Re: Elmo

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:52 pm
by mini_sprite94
well got Elmo back from paint shop today, will have a few odds and ends to do before Interior is fitted, and then its back to Fran's for the final spit n' polish.

best christmas present ever!!!




Re: Elmo

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:15 am
by mini_sprite94
well the last few days I have gotten the tools out, telling Billy I had only a few bits to do, and realising they were "to be done" for a while got me going.

resoldered the rear window heating eleament
installed the new red carpet, that was allot of measuring up and trimming.
and installing the speaker-board under the seats to hide them.
rewiring the headlamp so they both dip/full together, and not in oppsite :lol: (paint shop didn't put things back 100%)

all thats left:

1:getting the new seats, sticking them in.
2: Final polish to the paint.
3: putting in a new windscreen
4: putting on the new black bumpers and grill.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:04 pm
by Dylan8660
Nice wheels, they set it all off really well. You'll have to make the change to your tag pic when the black bumpers are on though.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:07 pm
by kerryminigringo
Looks great and the pinstripe on the wheels is a nice touch.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:19 pm
by mini_sprite94
well through the wind and manky rain I got the interior home. so the last few bit are happening now yipee! the jigsaw that is the mini is getting done! also painted the rear reg light black as it was a tad faded and pealing.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:45 pm
by mini_sprite94
if your getting your mini resprayed, do all the stripping and rebuilding yourself, I wish I had been in a position to do this before I sent mine off. its the little shi**y bits done "ah just lump it in style" that really feck you up.
Refitting the driver's door card today, the paint shop lost the bezel to the window winder, I dont see how or why as they didn't need to touch it, but they took it out of its wee labeled bag, and than lost it.
Got the part today, fitting it on, which was tricky as the doorcard was recovered with more material then before, gave the window and ould wind down and up, clunk! they boys had refitted the door opening mech. with longer screws, the glass poped past them then was stuck two inches open, so off it alll goes again! :x

still had my daughter there with me in her pink wellies, so had to be good and not rant, and she helped me fit the shorted screws.

so its just seats and windscreen now!

Re: Elmo

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:21 pm
by joeyfinneran
Sounds like your enjoying the best parts of mini ownership :lol:

We've all been in these positions but its all made up when you go for a nice long drive :)

Re: Elmo

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:46 pm
by mini_sprite94
you were right Joey, good drive did wonders for the mini love.

put the car back together, went to Fran's for Elmo's final polish, and Fran spotted a blip in the paint, and fair dues, he's standing over his work and will be resolving the tiny blemish. so I'll hold the pics of the 99% elmo till I've all the work done.

Re: Elmo

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 11:20 pm
by mini_sprite94
well after much work, Elmo is done! yipee just in time fer Summer, if one happens this year! :)

Kitted out in Black & red


the petrol cap is blacked out too, and the new decals in black too.

and the interior