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Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:53 pm
by Tony Cooney
At the end of the day, it is up to each individual to ensure that they are correctly & appropriatley insured when driving any car on a public road.
Reading the small print in any policy document can be a cumbersome task for us consumers, but, you can be full sure that any insurance legal team will be expertly versed on the terms & conditions of any particular policy.

Never judge a book by it's cover............


Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:46 pm
by mgb1978
There is no blanket condition that states that when you are driving someone else's car that that car must be insured by the owner. Some insurance companies will insist on it, some wont.
However they all insist that that the car is taxed (and NCTed). You cannot legally tax a car without it being insured by the registered owner, so once the tax runs out it cannot be renewed without an insurance policy in force for that car.
As mentioned already if I buy, for instance, a Bugatti Veyron (I wish !!!) and put it in my mother's name she may be the registered owner, but she is not the legal owner.
If I then have a small accident, say €1200 to repair the car I hit, the insurance company will probably pay out because it's cheaper than going to court to sort it out.
If however I rear-end a 2010 BMW 730i and write it off ( plus a personal injuries claim) then my insurance company will be very interested in the true facts.

It's one thing if I take my friend's car for a spin, quite another for me to buy a car and put it someone else's name to try to defraud an insurance company.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:24 pm
by StanO'Toole
If you have put a car into your mothers name she will get a tax renewal form which you can then use to tax the car if it does run out. As for ownership of the car, the fact of the matter is the car (if so you do crash) is in her name and how she retained that car is nothing to do with them. If there is questions about why you were driving the car, you were just making use of your open policy which you have payed for, they might be asking alot of questions but if the car is not in your name, has tax and test then you are doing nothing wrong!

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:08 pm
by Billy
It should be said that the Irish Mini Owners Club does not condone any dubious use of insurance documents.
At the start of each IMOC run held on a public road, all entrants are obliged to sign a disclaimer form which includes the following statement: "I declare that during the entire period of the event my vehicle and any driver thereof will be covered by valid and subsisting insurance as required by the Road Traffic Act 1961."
Our club insurance broker has been made aware of our policy of using this disclaimer.

In the event of a road traffic accident occuring on an IMOC event, the club will pass on these disclaimer forms to the Gardai and any relevant insurance company, if requested.
It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure their cars are fully road legal when in use.

As this is a public forum, I would suggest that anyone above who has publicly stated their names and insurance companies above may wish to amend their posts.

IMOC Committee

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:41 pm
by mustard

this topic not over yet....................

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:08 pm
by daniel garry
mustard wrote:yawn......................................................

this topic not over yet....................
just heatin up!!

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:29 am
by keithm4031
i didnt think it would get this heated. all i was asking was an easy way to insure my mini. :lol:

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:37 am
by mustard
keithm4031 wrote:i didnt think it would get this heated. all i was asking was an easy way to insure my mini. :lol:
minis...... ya never know what will happen!!!!! :mrgreen:

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:55 am
by StanO'Toole
To right lads, we just starting! :mrgreen: Billy, please tell me why I would be amending my posts? Keith here started a thread about insurance to help him out (which has turned into a very active thread!) and we are just trying to help him out. No one is doing anything wrong! I don't pay 2,500euro to drive a car to not be insured.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:05 am
by Billy

PM sent.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:31 pm
by mustard
Billy wrote:Stan,

PM sent.
uh oh! :roll:

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:10 pm
by StanO'Toole
Thats my part said so I'm going to stop talking before I gets in troubles!

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:27 pm
by Kenneth Murphy
ha rage

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:38 pm
by Deadly Dave
It is also worth bearing in mind that most policies have a clause saying " provided that the person holds a licence to drive such a vehicle.....". Therefore , if you are on a prov. licence and you should have a fully licenced driver with you and you dont , you are then not licenced and then not insured !!!!

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:13 pm
by Kenneth Murphy
very true point dave, i remember a friend of mine had trouble wit that years ago on a bike! had to have a licenced person wit him but wasn't insured to carry a pillion passenger!!!
that was a bit off topic... best thing to do is go into a broker and discuss the details over the counter, i did that wit axa and saved a few hundred on my mini (i'm 24 wit a full licence) i'm payin around 750 and i can drive any vehicle not in my name but only covers 3rd party damages

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:15 pm
by antodeco
Ive had experience with open drive, other cars, multiple owners, etc. In the end, its really not worth it. I have all three cars insured seperately. All fully comp. I know that if I go and drive it, and something happens, Im covered. Insurance companies are VERY good at getting out of paying if they can...

Also, alot of open drives state you need to over 25. In all my experiences, thats the ways its been, and that the other car needs to be insured. However, I cant vouch for QDI.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:23 pm
by oel159
[quote="antodeco"]Insurance companies are VERY good at getting out of paying if they can...quote]

I fully agree with that, friend of mine works for a very well known insurance company, and basicly the less he can pay out the more of a bonus he'd get.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:46 am
by keithm4031
Thanks guys, i didnt know that there was so much stuff ya need to know to insure your car. i thought ya just went in asked for insurance and that was you. thanks for all your help, im nearly afraid to ask about tax! :lol: keep posting im sure there is more we can find out.

Thanks keith

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:05 pm
by briain
StanO'Toole wrote:
thestillminis wrote:the vehicle must be insured.
When your with Quinn Direct the car that you are driving with your open drive does NOT have to be insured.
Are you 100% sure on that? If so how do you tax the car in question without an insurance cert? or nct it without tax. Not trying to poke holes in your idea. I pulled every scam going when I was younger on bikes to insure them. But just be sure you're covered and as someone else said insurance companies aren't fools. They're in the business of making money and a lot of it

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:29 pm
by oel159
briain wrote:
StanO'Toole wrote:
thestillminis wrote:the vehicle must be insured.
When your with Quinn Direct the car that you are driving with your open drive does NOT have to be insured.
Are you 100% sure on that? If so how do you tax the car in question without an insurance cert? or nct it without tax. Not trying to poke holes in your idea. I pulled every scam going when I was younger on bikes to insure them. But just be sure you're covered and as someone else said insurance companies aren't fools. They're in the business of making money and a lot of it
Thats a very good point, you have to provide a valid insurance policy for that car when renewing your tax. Complete dodge, bite the bullet and get your own insurance. We've all paid big money for our first years insurance, if you can't afford it on a mini then you'll have to review your priorities. Get a mini and work on it until you can afford to insure one and get a daily hack for the time being.

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:20 pm
by macker
So Kieth, as you can see, theirs lots to think about,
my best advice to you would be to ring around as many insurance companies as you can to get the best quote available,
and if while on your quest you come across somebody offering cheaper insurance for young drivers please don't hessitate to post your findings here for all to see,

happy hunting :wink:

Re: **Insurance Trouble, any advice, please!!**

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:04 pm
by keithm4031
Thanks Macker,
Will get back once i get a reasonable offer and when i get my insurance done. Thanks a lot guys for all your suggestions and help.
