Welcome to the Irish Mini Owners Club forum. Celebrating 30 years of the Irish Mini Owners Club, 60 years of the Mini, 50 years of the Clubman and 20 years of our flagship event MTM
Caught your attention?. NO I haven't written off an ERA, but I'm just letting you all know that the last Eastern Region Monthly Meeting to take place on the Last Tuesday of the Month is this week (TONIGHT). SO make an effort and reverse the trend of 2 or 3 turning up on the night.
We can then decide which Sunday to begin holding our Monthly Meeting/Run.
To help identify other members, wear a Mini Tee-Shirt/ Jacket .
See you there.
Last edited by BlackSe7en on Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
How did the meeting go last night? Did many turn up? Is there any news of upcoming events e.g. New Year's Lunch, Autojumble etc? Did ye decide which Sunday to have the monthly meetings?
Edited the Post on Tuesday morning, just to get Billy's brain working correctly.
Needn't have bothered, five turned up. We will be meeting on the Second Sunday of the month. First meeting is from the Maynooth Lidl Carpark at 12:00 (Noon) on 13th January.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the New Year's Lunch and autojumble on the 2nd Sunday in January i.e. Jan 13th. You're not going to get people to turn up at 2 events in the 1 month.
There's no making more sense of anything. All I stated was the first meeting is taking place in January. The plans for the Autojumble and New Year's Dinner haven't been finalised yet. They might not be on the same day.