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the red 1!

This section is for Mini projects and restorations and also the place to show off your pride and joy.

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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

thought it was about time i started a thread for this 1!
i got this 1990 city off tom mealiff feb march time of 2010, it sat under a cover and i only got bits and pieces done until we built a shed at the end of last summer but easter of this year seen it back on the road for the first time in 9 years!

as i got it:
needing 2 doors and a couple of bits of welding and a respray!

so i taught myself how to weld and do all the work needed, but then came the paintin and after building the shed and keeping my mayfair on the road i didnt have the money for a respray soooo.....i did it myself! considering it was my first go i was very happy with the outcome
i had left 1 of the doors outside the shed door so i could work on it while the primer was drying on the car, just as i was spraying away dad starts knocking on the window.....to tell me he'd just driven over the dam door!!

after a week of 8am starts and 3am finishes i got the car put back together, insured on the saturday, mustard and doofy got it running that evening and it was ready for its first trip on the sunday!
its maiden voyage for tullamore included a short trip to glennons (via a tow rope and their caddy!!) for a head gasket change!! the car was overheating so i came home checked the fan, whoops, it was on back to front!! flipped it round and still only got 6 mile up the road!! got half way between home and glennons, either way i had to be towed so up to mick n paul!! i had set out for tullamore at 2 and eventually got there at 12 that night!!
a week after was test time, on my way up i noticed the dash lights wernt working, only a fuse, which meant the back lights did work, ah well the car only failed on the fuse needing replacing, fit a fog light and tighten a brake union, happy days!
then came the retest, in my wisdom i booked the test for half 8 on a sunday morning, went to leave....wont start, nice hole in the dizzy cap, i did wonder why it was spluttering on the way home from sligo on the friday!! and again it was up to glennons to get a cap and rotor arm off them! after they were fitted it ran, like absolute sh1t but it ran!! got to the test by 4 and it passed!!

then it was time for the last week of college, the car started running like crap(well worse!), attempted to drive into town.....ended badly!! got towed up to the carpark and it started again so after a visit from the guards seeing if mustards caddy was legal(alot of us still doubt it!!) no amount of moaning and shouting at the car fixed it so the mini went off to joe conboy who set the car up properly and its been running perfect since! huge thanks for that joe!
a sick car helping another sick car!!

time for home from sligo for the summer, i got as far as newtown forbes and started hearing a grinding noise, pulled over and it sounded like the fan clipping off the rad so i had a look, shuffled the rad over a bit and continued on through the town. it wasnt the fan, took the wheel off, it was grinding when going forward but not backwards. a bit odd seeing as it was a new cv joint on there. soooo, i rang Neil kilbane who gave the diagnosis of a dodgy bearing, i limped the car back to neils with the grinding getting very very bad. luckily neil had a bearing kit and he changed it over for me, another big thanks for getting me back on the road!!

two or three weeks ago seen the biggest problem with the car to date.....i had a lil crash, my first and, touch wood, only crash!! there was a woman in the volvo in front of me and was braking to turn off left, the road was that slippy she ended up stopping about 20 yards beyond the turn off!!! i was braking and then the road surface changed and i ended up sliding into her, only damage to the volve....a piece of my indicator lense stuck to the bumper!!

more to come tomorrow!!

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Modifications: the matte black paint,standard arches,white rover style minilites,removable,roof racks, bonnet,honda prelude bucket seats ROOF RACKS Ftw!
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Re: the red 1!

Post by scotty_1987 »

Have to say good job on the sprayin there man...I like it and I like yer wheels to just after sprain mine..fairplay daniel
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

cheers scotty, the paint came out better the first time but i'm still learning so surely it can only get better....hopefully!!

well i got the car fixed after the lil crash....bita work with a slide hammer and a skim of filler and the front was back to normal, really surprised how well it turned out!

then i etch primed the metal and put a coat of barcoat on all the bits that could have caused a reaction.....still ended up with a reaction on the roof, no idea whats causing it though!!

and then the car was red again!!

i must have had the paint a bit thin cause it went on very bitty and textured but a bit of wet sanding and compound sorted it out, still not perfect but its getting there!!
you can see the bitty-ness here
half the roof....got lazy!!

no doubt there'l be more trouble to come with this car, think its a bit accident prone, could be the driver though!! i'l be putting the super lights off my mayfair on the car once i get them cleaned up and put 2 new tyres on em, a roll cage and hi-los to come fairly soon a well!
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Re: the red 1!

Post by The Marcos Graveyard »

Nice work Daniel.

I think a bit of an extraction fan in your spray booth might help improve things a little.

A fully carbon fiber Mini Marcos shell weighs just 7.25kg.
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Re: the red 1!

Post by Tony Cooney »

Nice work :)

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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

The Marcos Graveyard wrote:Nice work Daniel.

I think a bit of an extraction fan in your spray booth might help improve things a little.
spray booth....yea, we'l call it that!!!
but yea, it could do some ventilation, ah well i continue learning!

thanks for the kind words, i'm just glad i can say every single thing on the car is my own work!!
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daniel garry
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What Minis have you?: 1996 BRG mayfair 1275 auto-lyin up now
1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

well its been a while since this was updated!!
just back from an extended(1799.88 miles according to the sat nav!) trip over to england, done the same trip last year too and went to mini in the park in santa pod both years
this years trip had a few too many incidents for my liking tho!
1. driving around a bend and BANG, blow out on the back tire, fantactic having to drive on the noddy wheel! got a new tire at santa pod and went to get it fitted.....£15 just to leave me standing like a spare part for an hour n fit a tire!
2. headlamp stopped working, got some new halogens at santa pod and still no light, turned out to be the connection behind the front panel....whoops, got decent headlamps now tho!
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daniel garry
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What Minis have you?: 1996 BRG mayfair 1275 auto-lyin up now
1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

3. the night before i had to leave for holyhead to get the ferry home the car just dies, manage to pull into a lay by on the other side of the road, spark at the points n nothing at the plugs so a new dizzy cap was needed. left the car in the lay by and rang the police to tell them that the car was there and wasnt abandoned! got a new cap the next morning and went to fix the car....and it wasn in the layby that i'd left it in but there was a lot of glass from my drivers door window!! rang the police to tell em the car had been stolen wich they replied to with "someone'l be out in the next 6 hours"! so i may have missed the ferry home!! having taken it in that i probably wont get my car back the police rang me that night n said they found the car with nothing missing from it(been shopping all day so loads of clothes and i had just picked up a load of my granddads old tools so there was alot in the car!)
the car had been recovered when a squad car drove by it at 2 in the morning and seen the broken window!
got the car back the following evening and found out just what had been stolen......2 centre caps(were chrome but after 2 years of dogs peeing up the wheels they wernt great!) 1 dust cap, a tobacco tin that i had fuses, loose change and a few phone numbers in and 2 parking receipts from the beach earlier in the week! so minus a couple a bits, windoe and a wing mirror but i got the car back and in 1 piece...ish!!

dropped into a man where i'd seen a couple of minis outside the house and asked if he had a glass and mirror, found a window in his garage and he took a mirror off 1 of the minis sitting outside! offered to pay him and he just gave em to me! gotta love mini owners!!
got home safe n sound after all that!
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Re: the red 1!

Post by Billy »

Great story. Enjoyed reading about your road trip. Glad you got back in one piece.

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Re: the red 1!

Post by scotty_1987 »

Jaysus dan that's not to good man...glad you got sorted though!! :D
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Re: the red 1!

Post by vincieshile »

What an exciting life you have with your mini. Nothing like that ever happens to me.
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

cheers lads, wasnt the most fun i'v ever had, wasnt expecting to be driving the mini home thats for sure!!
vincieshile wrote:What an exciting life you have with your mini. Nothing like that ever happens to me.
to be honest i'd say its better when you dont have experiences like that!!
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

well a couple of weeks after the window got broken i'm still finding glass everywhere!! even on the parcel shelf!!
so with the ordeal that the poor mini went through i decided i'd treat it to a wash, polish the wheels, put in a new steering wheel and fitted hilo's!
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Re: the red 1!

Post by minionly »

Looks savage on the back
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

minionly wrote:Looks savage on the back
cheers :D

well this car really is full of surprises! attempted to leave for sligo tuesday morning so i could get to college at 9, didnt go quite as planned!! drove through granard about half 7 and all of a sudden there was an odd engine sound, pulled over for a look and because of the recent dizzy cap problems i thought was playing up again! turned around and limped back into granard and parked outside the motor factors and wait for the shop to open, wasnt too bad, had a duvet in the car anyway!!! had a look over the car and then walked up to a garage and borrowed a compression tester....no compression on 3 or 4, not good!
got the insurance company to bring me back to the house and started stripping the engine and clearly the head gasket was f*&%3d, had blown between the 2 cylinders, cleaned everything up and went for a new gasket, put it all back together, fresh oil and water and away we go, little test drive before leaving for sligo, forgot the dizzy advance but once dat was back on it was running well bar the exhaust blowing but i can live with that!!
left at half 10 that night and all was good until that bloddy bump just outside newtown forbes! hit the bump with a bit more speed than i would have liked! heard an almighty bang, then what sounded like a really rough running engine! knocked the ignition off and it kept going so i thought the starter had somehow jammed on, turns out it was the electric fan! the fan managed to hit the inner wing and now only had 2 blades left so was hitting the inner wing!!
had to stop half hour further down the road then because the car was overheating, only an air lock from earlier so just had to top up....with no water hhmmmmmm, can of beer in the back, that'l do!!
finally got to sligo at 1 that night, only 18 hours after i left the house!!

moral of the story.....carry a spare head gasket!!!
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

well then...after my exhaust falling off 2 weeks ago and having fixed that and finally having a clean, quiet, good running car i thought something had to go wrong soon....and it did!
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Re: the red 1!

Post by Kenneth Murphy »

Seen it on fb earlier, any damage dude? Any idea who did it?
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Re: the red 1!

Post by scotty_1987 »

thats a f***kin disgrace!! :evil:
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Re: the red 1!

Post by GSmall »

not on :?
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Re: the red 1!

Post by maverick »

Holy crap! Did someone seriously tip the mini on its side! Bastards.

You have seriously bad luck with minis. Never heard the like of it!

Hope there isn't too much damage. :/
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Re: the red 1!

Post by minionly »

Ah thats not on were did this happen
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daniel garry
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1990 1l city-daily driver
1993 cooper spi-completly stripped and upside down!
the long term project(advantage) courtesy of mr skelly!!
rotten shell-found a floor repair panel in the boot tho!

Re: the red 1!

Post by daniel garry »

happened in sligo, keeping any damage info to a minimum on facebook really, the f£$%^rs who done it are less likely to slip up if they know what damage is done! clearly the arch and wing mirror are destroyed, the door handle and mirror put a good auld ding in the door, they mangled a wiper and the roof gutter got a good doing but the main problem was something i only noticed at the weekend. as i was driving i spotted a line on the top of the windscreen, the force of the car landing down on the roof gutter seems to have put the windscreen opening out of shape! pics to follow soon!
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What Minis have you?: 1985 Matte Black Mini Mayfair
Modifications: the matte black paint,standard arches,white rover style minilites,removable,roof racks, bonnet,honda prelude bucket seats ROOF RACKS Ftw!
Location: Westmeath

Re: the red 1!

Post by scotty_1987 »

that sucks man :x !! hope you do eventually find who done it
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Re: the red 1!

Post by danielsma »

also happened to a friend of mine, then we found someone who recorded the incident with his phone..

Nemesis: A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
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Posts: 329
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:57 pm
Whats your location?: Mullingar
Region: Eastern
What Minis have you?: 1985 Matte Black Mini Mayfair
Modifications: the matte black paint,standard arches,white rover style minilites,removable,roof racks, bonnet,honda prelude bucket seats ROOF RACKS Ftw!
Location: Westmeath

Re: the red 1!

Post by scotty_1987 »

I'll just leave these here :lol:




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